High Definition
Video Resolution
Capture the truth with crystal clear high definition video from anywhere.
Customizable Coverage
Of High Risk Areas
Digital Ally’s portable IP surveillance cameras allow for 100% customizable coverage of high risk or valued areas with multi-camera deployment.
With live streaming capabilities, monitor the event in real time from any location.
Weather Tested
Durable Design
With either indoor or outdoor events, the weather resistant cameras can be mounted to any surface.
Pan. Tilt. Zoom.
Pan across the event, tilt viewing angles, zoom to specific areas for a birds eye view.
After several successful deployments of Digital Ally™s body-worn cameras, we are pleased to announce Digital Ally as a provider in video solutions for MetLife Stadium. Our staff has been impressed with the usability of the hardware and back-end software. œThe goal of this initiative is to provide our staff with an extra tool when interacting with fans to create an overall better game day experience for everyone.
Danny DeLorenzi, | Vice President, Security and Safety Services for MetLife Stadium
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